Trailer Servicing and Repairs
It is very important that trailers are serviced regularly for both your own and other road users safety. It will also prolong the life of most mechanical parts and in the long run it saves you time and money.
Our fully equipped workshop can deal with all repairs, servicing and modifications.
Service Prices
Single Axle Braked Trailer £85 + VAT
Twin Axle Braked Trailer £130 + VAT
Tri Axle Braked Trailer £170 + VAT
Even though we are the main dealers for Brian James Trailers, we service any make of trailer, including, Bateson, Equi-Trek, Ifor Williams, Indespension, Daxara and lots more, holding stocks of many popular trailer parts from both Knott Avonride, Alko and Indespension.
Our trailer servicing and repairs service centre is based in Tertowie, Aberdeeshire and we pride ourselves in our work and customer service. Most importantly trailer safety is a priority and we offer advice and support to help our customers tow safely.